I am sure we have all been there listening to people say things they shouldn't, gossiping or speaking about someone out of turn. How many of us actually stand up for those people anymore? Is that a lost art? I know I stand up for them and regularly ask people not to speak of anyone in a negative manner. You can talk to me about problems but when you start naming names instead of just wanting to vent the issue, I put my foot down.

So what happens when you are the brunt? Do you seek the person out and try to discuss the problem with them? I do. Usually the offender is not sure how to handle being caught. This time it was tuck the tail and RUN (literally) around the corner because they knew they had been caught lying...

The person they were talking to turned red and was quite surprised that I refused to discuss the problem with them. I explained that it was wrong to take it to a third party and that they should have said they didn't want to hear it. The person should talk to me OR the person in charge. That is it. Being a confidential type of person I REFUSE to talk about others behind their back that way. If I can't say it to their faces, I don't say it...

So this ordeal, (that was supposedly over the first day in email, but has lasted over a week now because the nameless person has talked to almost everyone I know slandering me,) has given me a chance to get out my frustrations in altered digi-art! Whoo hoo!
This last ATC is a tribute to my husband who did stand up for me when he overheard the person starting to tell yet another person something untrue. What would I do with out him? Love definately conquers all....

So here you go. If you like them and would like to have them for your own collection (ATCs) I will package them up as freebies and give them away. Let me know if you like them. I think the first one is my favorite, although the Lies one is haunting. I have one more I am working on to finish this up.
You GO!! I am so proud of you standing up to gossips! And these altered looking layouts look FAN-TAS-TIC!!!